Monica Maher
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Monica Maher researches and teaches at the intersection of the
fields of Ecumenical Studies and Social Ethics, including
interreligious perspectives on gender, sexuality, and human rights,
and the relationship between spirituality and ethics. Dr. Maher has
worked to develop a Christian ethic of healthcare which places sexual
and reproductive rights within a larger context of political and
economic rights. She has participated in the international outreach
and educational activities of Pastors for Peace, Partners of the
Americas, and the Mercy Sisters. Currently, her research focuses on
Latin American women's theological creativity in response to
gender-based violence. Maher received the B.A. from
Williams College, an M.A. from the School of International
Service, The American University, an M.Div. from Harvard
Divinity School, and a Ph.D. from Union Theological Seminary
(2004). She was named a Fulbright New Century Scholar in 2004-05 and has since
participated in international collaborative research on "Toward
Equality: The Global Empowerment of Women."
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