Muhammad Amjad Saqib
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Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib, Executive Director at Akhuwat, graduated from King Edward Medical College Lahore and completed Master’s degree in Public Administration (MPA) and Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship at American University. He joined the civil service of Pakistan (DMG) in 1985, and retired in 2003. Since then, besides rendering philanthropic and social services, he has been providing consultancy services to Asian Development Bank, International Labour Organization, UNICEF, World Bank, and Canadian International Development Agency. His areas of expertise include poverty alleviation, microfinance, social mobilization and education management. He is author of four books and is a columnist in Pakistan. Dr. Saqib is founder of Akhuwat, the first ever interest free microfinance program in Pakistan, which operates from mosques and churches.
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