Mustafa Santiago Ali
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Mustafa Santiago Ali is a senior advisor to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy on environmental justice and a founding member of the EPA's Office of Environmental Justice. He is
also the designated federal official for the Workgroup on Nationally Consistent
EJ Screening Approaches of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, a federal advisory committee to the EPA. Ali has been a national
speaker on social justice and environmental justice issues for over 15 years. During that time he has worked with communities both domestically and internationally to secure environmental, health, and economic
justice. Ali served as a Brookings Institute Congressional Fellow in the office
of Congressman John Conyers in FY 2007-2008. His portfolio as a legislative assistant focused on foreign policy in Africa and South America, homeland security, health care, appropriations, and environmental justice. Ali is a
former instructor at West Virginia University and Stanford University in
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