Nancy Sherman
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Nancy Sherman is University Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University and a fellow at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics; she has also been an adjunct professor of law at the Georgetown Law School. From 1997 to 1999, she served as the first Distinguished Chair in Ethics at the United States Naval Academy. Sherman has also taught at Yale University, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Maryland. She is the author of Afterwar: Healing the Moral Wounds of our Soldiers (2015), The Untold War: Inside the Hearts, Minds, and Souls of Our Soldiers (2010), Stoic Warriors: The Ancient Philosophy Behind the Military Mind (2005), and Making A Necessity of Virtue: Aristotle and Kant on Virtue (1997). She is also the editor of Critical Essays on the Classics: Aristotle’s Ethics (1999). She received her B.A. from Bryn Mawr College, M.Litt. from the University of Edinburgh, and Ph.D. from Harvard University.
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