Neha Deshmukh
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Neha Deshmukh is a student of St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) Program and that department's representative in the Student Council of St. Xavier's College. She has represented St. Xavier's College in inter-college BMS cultural festivals and attended the Model United Nations conducted by the Rotaract Club of Jai Hind College (Mumbai) in 2010-11. She is a part of 2 community development groups, Social Service League and Young Indians, at St. Xavier's College that organize blood drives, waste management projects, visits to old age homes and orphanages, etc. She also teaches children from low income groups at an NGO called Pavement Club. She was awarded the Sir Dorabji Tata scholarship in 2009 and won a scholarship from Yale University to attend its Summer Session this year.
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