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Niaz Asadullah


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Niaz Asadullah is professor of development economics in the Faculty of Economics at Malaya University, where he also serves as deputy director at the Centre for Poverty and Development Studies. He is a visiting researcher at SKOPE in the University of Oxford's Department of Education, a visiting fellow in economics at Reading University, a visiting professorial fellow in the University of Manchester, a research fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor, and an RSA connector for Bangladesh. Asadullah’s research interests cover a number of topics within development economics, the economics of education, and labor economics. Asadullah recently completed a Leverhulme Trust Fellowship on the rise of Islamic schools in Bangladesh. He previously worked at Reading University and at BRAC University and has held visiting positions at Harvard University's Centre for International Development and the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. Asadullah received his doctoral degree in economics from Oxford University in 2005.
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