Paul Knitter
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Paul F. Knitter is the Paul Tillich Professor Emeritus of Theology, World Religions and Culture at the Union Theological Seminary in New York and a leading theologian of religious pluralism. He is professor emeritus of Theology at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, where he taught for 28 years before moving to Union. His research and publications primarily address religious pluralism and interreligious dialogue, including No Other Name? A Critical Survey of Christian Attitudes toward World Religions (1985), One Earth Many Religions: Multifaith Dialogue and Global Responsibility (1995), Jesus and the Other Names: Christian Mission and Global Responsibility (1996), Introducing Theologies of Religions (2002), and Without Buddha I Could Not Be A Christian (2009). He serves on the board of the International, Interreligious Peace Council. Knitter holds a licentiate in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and a doctorate from the University of Marburg, Germany.
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