Pauletta Otis
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Dr. Pauletta Otis is a former professor of security studies
at the Marine Corps University Command and Staff College. She has both
theoretical and operational experience and expertise in sub-national violence. Otis has conducted research on issues concerning cultural factors that impact
military strategy and operations, religious factors in violence, and irregular
warfare/insurgency analysis. She previously served as senior research
fellow for Religion in International Affairs at Pew Forum and was a tenured
professor in political science and international studies at Colorado State
University-Pueblo. She has also taught in the Joint Military Intelligence
College and National Defense University's National Security Education
Program. She has served as a member of the Defense Intelligence Advisory Board,
Defense Science Policy Board Summer Study on Homeland Security, and in a senior
advisory capacity for the U.S. military chaplains. She received her Ph.D. and M.A. from the University of Denver, as well as an M.A. from the University of
Southern Colorado.
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