Pauline Muchina
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Pauline Muchina comes
from the Rift Valley Province in Kenya, where her family still resides. She is
the founder of the Future African leaders Project and a fellow with Center for
Health and Social Policy. Previously, she served as the senior partnership advisor
for UNAIDS for seven and a half years. Pauline serves in several boards and
advisory groups including, Foundation for Sustainable Development and the
Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians. Additionally, Pauline supports
African Women & Youth, a handmade creative design company that crafts
authentic hand-made African products for the global market.
In 2011, Pauline
received the United Methodist Church Global Leadership Award. On March 8, 2014,
the Huffington Post honored Pauline as one of 50 women powerful international
religious leaders. She holds a master’s degree from Yale University Divinity
School and a Ph.D. from the Union Theological Seminary.
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