Phramaha Boonchuay Doojai
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Dr. Phramaha Boonchuay Doojai, a Buddhist monk and chairperson of the Asian Interfaith Network on AIDS (AINA), serves as director of Thailand’s Chiang Mai Buddhist College. He has brought together Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, and Muslim representatives through AINA, established in 2005 with support from the Christian Conference of Asia. Through country-level interfaith HIV/AIDS networks, Dr. Doojai has built the capacity of faith-based organizations to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and created a supportive environment for faith-based responses to HIV/AIDS. He has also worked to overcome discrimination against those affected by HIV/AIDS and provides training to religious leaders and faith-based organizations from numerous Asian countries to combat stigmas associated with the disease. He believes it is the duty of faith-based organizations and religious figures to collaborate with development organizations on a holistic approach that addresses these critical issues. Through his innovative “monknet” project – a network led by Dr. Doojai that provides HIV care – hundreds of Thailand’s monks have played a key role in reducing HIV infection rates.
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