Rick Santos
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Rick Santos is president and CEO of IMA World Health, an international faith-based nonprofit that implements impactful and innovative public health programs in developing countries. With over two decades of experience in faith-based relief and development work, Rick has been responsible for providing leadership to large and complicated programs in the field and at the headquarters of two global development organizations. His programmatic approach includes prioritizing local partnerships and capacity building, which he believes are the key ingredients to successful development work. A USAID funded sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) project that IMA has implemented over the past five years in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, inspired Santos and IMA's board to do more on the issue. IMA is now the secretariat for the We Will Speak Out, US Coalition, which recently published with Sojourners the “Broken Silence” report, highlighting data on the attitudes and knowledge of SGBV from a survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors.
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