Rosalia Rodriguez-Garcia
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Dr. Rosalia Rodriguez-Garcia has several decades of experience working in development and academia, including as a team leader in the World Bank Human Development Network and co-chair of the UN Co-sponsoring Agencies Group of UNAIDS. In 2012 she completed a three year, multi-country evaluation focused on community responses to HIV. She previously was a professor and chair of the Department of International Public Health and director of the Center for International Health at George Washington University. Rodriguez-Garcia's publications include, among others, Funding Mechanisms for Civil Society: The Experience of the AIDS Response (2013, with Rene Bonnel, Jill Olivier, Quentin Wodon, Sam McPherson, Kevin Orr, Julia Ross), Self-Assessment in Managing for Results: Conducting Self-Assessment for Development Practitioners (2005, with Elizabeth M. White), and Microenterprise Development for Better Health Outcomes (2001, with James A. Macinko and William F. Waters).
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