Sadia Kidwai
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Sadia Kidwai is a policy and research analyst at Islamic Relief Worldwide, where she has been developing the organization’s thinking and practice on working with forced migrants and recently authored the report The Rights of Forced Migrants in Islam. Kidwai previously spent three months working in
Kenya on an environmental sustainability project and has assisted in research
on industrial development in Ethiopia. She spent two years working as a project manager for a U.K.-based charity that focused on engaging minority youth
groups with development issues and global advocacy campaigns. She has had
experience working in the U.K. civil service, with a U.K. political party, and
within an international relations think tank. Graduating with a B.Sc. Honors in international relations and history from the London School of Economics, Kidwai went on to complete an M.Sc. in violence, conflict, and development from the School of Oriental and African Studies.
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