Saiful Haque
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Saiful Haque is
the founder and president of MOVE Foundation, a youth-led civil society
organization that promotes non-violence, inclusive education, and
de-radicalization. For more than a decade, he has worked with the U.S. Department
of State, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Japan, the Asia Foundation, and the Danish Working Environment
Authority on good governance, youth mobilization, electoral reform, labor
rights, and civilian security issues. Haque led Bangladesh’s largest election
monitoring coalition, the Election Working Group; co-authored a piece
outlining an election-time strategy during 2014 pre-election unrest; and
appealed for peaceful resolution of political conflict through consensus. He later
guided local NGOs under the Stop Violence Coalition to conduct a
nationwide anti-violence campaign. He conducted post-graduate studies in international relations at the University of Dhaka.
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