Sajjad Rizvi
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Sajjad Rizvi is associate professor of Islamic intellectual history and director of the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter, where he is also involved in the Centre for the Study of Islam. His research interests include the intellectual history of the Safavid-Mughal period, as well as Qur'anic exegesis and textual hermeneutics. Rizvi did post-graduate work at the Institute of Ismaili Studies and previously taught at the University of Bristol. His publications include The Spirit and the Letter: Approaches to the Esoteric Interpretation of the Qurʾan (2016, ed. with Annabel Keeler), Mulla Sadra and the Later Islamic Philosophical Tradition (2010), An Anthology of Qurʾanic Commentaries Volume I: On the Nature of the Divine (2008, ed. with Feras Hamza and Farhana Mayer), and Mulla Sadra Shirazi: His Life, Works and Sources for Safavid Philosophy (2007). Rizvi received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Oxford and his Ph.D. from Cambridge.