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Seyda Rokhaya Ibrahima Niass
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Rokhaya Ibrahima Niass is a prominent Islamic scholar from Senegal, born in
1930. Her role as a woman religious leader is rare. Her book Huquq Al Marati Al Islam (Rights of Women in Islam) was published
locally in Senegal in 1975, with a recent English translation. Niass has been
advocating for women’s rights and for greater inclusion of women in leadership
positions within her Muslim religious community (the Niassenes) for fifty
years. Her commitment to this issue came from her personal experience as one of
the great women of a great religious family. She is the daughter of Sheikh-al
Islam Al Hajj Ibrahim Niass and sister of the former Grand Khalifa of the Tijaniyya Sufi Order, Sheikh Ahmed Tijani Niass.
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