Sheridan Todd Yeary
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Sheridan Todd Yeary is the senior pastor of Douglas
Memorial Community Church (DMCC) in Baltimore, Maryland, and serves as the chief executive officer of DMCC’s two community development corporations: Camp
Farthest Out, Inc. and Douglas Village, Inc. Yeary also holds an adjunct
faculty appointment in the University of Baltimore's College of Public Affairs, teaching courses that explore faith and public policy and the legal
construction of race. Yeary is the former associate director of the Center for
Black Studies at Northern Illinois University. Yeary is often provides
commentary, public testimony, and insight on a variety of public policy and
leadership concerns, and he has presented in a variety of forums. He obtained his
bachelor’s degree in management from National-Louis University, his M.Div. from
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminar, as well as both a graduate certificate
in African studies and a Ph.D. in religion in society from Northwestern
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