Sidi Jammeh
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A retired Senior Economist of the World Bank, Dr. Jammeh has been working in the Agricultural and Rural sector of Nigeria since 1998. As the Task Team Leader, he led the design of the flagship community-driven projects, including the Nigeria Fadama II Project ($160 million total project costs) from 2004-2008, which is an international best practice; as a consultant on the Fadama III Project (total project cost: $450 million, of which IDA Credit: $250 million); and more recently (April/May 2013) Fadama III Plus Additional Financing (IDA credit of $200 million), as WB support for the implementation of the Government’s Agricultural Transformation Agenda. Dr. Jammeh has travelled extensively in Nigeria, having visited all 36 States plus FCT of the Federation and more than half of the 774 local government administrations (LGAs) to engage Federal, State and Local government officials, religious authorities and traditional leaders, rural community organizations, NGOs and public and private sector service providers in extensive stakeholder consultations and to conduct other project-related work.