Sister Lucero Guillén
Sister Lucero Guillén Cornejo has been part of the Apostolic Vicariate of Yurimaguas since 2012. She works with all the parishes there, in the Peruvian jungle region. She has spent many years defending the indigenous, riverside, mestizo and native communities. She contests injustice and supports the less disadvantaged. She is from Arequipa, Perú and has worked in the Amazon region since May,1983. She belongs to the Missionaries of Jesus, a lay community. When she first arrived in San Gabriel de Varadero, she worked as a preschool teacher, caring for boys and girls from three to five years old. She also worked on health care and support for farming. Her social justice work has expanded over the years and she is a leader in different Church led efforts, including the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative.