Ted Karpf
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Reverend Canon Ted Karpf is a lecturer at the Boston University Schools of Theology and Public Health and Director of Development for the School of Theology. Karpf previously served as Partnerships Officer at the World Health Organization from 2004-10. He served as Provincial Canon Missioner for AIDS and as deputy to the Archbishop of Cape Town from 2001-04. From 1993-97 he was Executive Director of the National Episcopal AIDS Coalition and has served in various positions, including Canon for Global Health, in the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, DC; he also served as HIV/AIDS Coordinator of the Anglican Communion. During the late 1980s-early 1990s Karpf worked with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health on HIV/AIDS issues. Karpf was principal editor of Restoring Hope: Decent Care in the Midst of AIDS (2008).
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