Thomas Laird Jones
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Thomas Laird (Tom) Jones has worked with Habitat for Humanity International (HBHI) since 1991, serving first as vice president and founding managing director of HBHI's Washington Office before becoming in 2005 ambassador-at-large in the office of the CEO. He serves on HFHI’s Senior Leadership Team. He has represented HFHI in the ONE Campaign, InterAction, and as a leader in the new HFHI Advocacy Initiative; he currently leads the HFHI Interfaith Exploration. Jones is also a frequent public speaker and has appeared on radio and television. In the academic world, he has served as vice president for a theological seminary and faculty member at two seminaries, as well as as on the national staff of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Prior to his tenure with HFHI, Jones served as pastor of large Presbyterian congregations in Kentucky, Florida, and Washington, DC. He has earned B.A., M.Div., Master of Theology, and Doctor of Ministry degrees and has received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree.
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