William M. Treanor
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William M. Treanor is Professor of Law, Executive Vice President, and Dean of the Georgetown University Law Center. Treanor became dean of the Law Center in August 2010. From 2002-10 Treanor served as Dean and Paul Fuller Professor at Fordham Law School; he was a member of the Fordham faculty and a visiting professor at the Sorbonne since 1991. From 1998-2001, Treanor served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel in the US Department of Justice, where he also spent 1987-1990 as an associate counsel in the Office of Independent Counsel during the Iran/Contra investigation. Treanor's research and many publications focus on constitutional law and legal history. Treanor graduated summa cum laude from Yale College, received an MA in history from Harvard College, and obtained his JD from Yale Law School.
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