Zainah Anwar
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Zainah Anwar is a founding member and former
executive director of Sisters in Islam, a Malaysian non-governmental
organization working on women’s rights within the Islamic framework. The group
works in the areas of research, advocacy, public education and legal reform and
services to push for a progressive rights-based understanding of Islam. It
engages with a wide range of issues, including Islamic Family Law, Islamic
Criminal Law, domestic violence, freedom of religion, freedom of expression,
Islam as a source of law and public policy, and Islam and women’s rights.
Zainah is currently the director for Musawah, a global movement for equality
and justice in the Muslim family. She also writes a monthly column on politics,
religion and women’s rights, called Sharing the Nation, in the Sunday Star,
Malaysia. She is a former member of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia.
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