As the Berkley Center enters its tenth year it has occasion to reflect back on what it has accomplished and forward on what is to come. This report outlines some of the major activities and accomplishments of the center’s faculty, students, and staff over the past year.
Key highlights include:
- The addition of eight faculty fellows and a scholar-in-residence.
- High-level events with speakers including the philosophers Charles Taylor and Martha Nussbaum; Pastor Rick Warren; Ruth Messinger, president of the American Jewish World Service; and Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez, president of Caritas International.
- Launching projects on: Islam, women, and democracy; persecution of Christian minorities around the world; and women, religion, and the family.
- A conference in Rome to mark the completion of the Jesuits and Globalization project.
- The redesign of the center website and Youtube platform, which now hosts 1000+ videos.
- A deepening partnership with the university’s Global Futures Initiative and Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life.
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