Political Demography: How Population Changes are Reshaping International Security and National Politics

Authors: Monica Duffy Toft Eric Kaufmann

May 31, 2012

In Political Demography: How Population Changes are Reshaping International Security and National Politics, RFP scholar Monica Duffy Toft and co-editors Jack Goldstone and Eric Kaufmann examine the rising importance of demography in national and global politics in an age where demographic changes are greatly affecting the policies of the developed and developing world. Through their work, Toft, Goldstone, and Kaufmann fill in the gaps in the study of demography from a global and historical perspective with the hope that policymakers will take these insights into account when drafting policies for our collective future. The book's chapters address issues ranging from the consequences of a youth bulge, race and immigration, and the politics of fertility, to the role of religion and identity in conflict.

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