Alia Sisson (University of Dayton) on American Values

March 19, 2012

Are Americans United by a Shared Set of Values?

Nothing better symbolizes the shared values that unite Americans than “Old Glory” herself. The thirteen stripes are reminiscent of our common history, spanning from the American Revolution, to the Civil Rights movement to today. The fifty stars are coequal, exemplifying the common commitment to states’ rights and representation in government. The Stars and Stripes fly proudly over both the White House and the homes of everyday American citizens. The Star Spangled Banner prevails as a unifying symbol in times of crisis and prosperity.
But the flag is more than just a symbol. Only people who truly love their country would so deeply revere its flag. Americans are among the most patriotic people in the world, and for good reason. For over two centuries, fidelity to the Constitution has perpetuated a “living” democracy, able to adapt to the unique exigencies of each generation.

Most everyone agrees with the principles of freedom of speech, expression, religion, etc. However, interpretation of fundamental rights varies considerably across the political spectrum. These constitutional ambiguities promote dialogue among the people, the courts, the executive and the legislature. The discourse among these bodies facilitates peaceful transfer of power between parties based on popular sovereignty.

Voltaire’s famous sentiment, “I may not agree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it,” particularly encompasses American values. Though groups bitterly disagree on topics from abortion to welfare to military intervention, there is a profound commitment to free expression that unites Americans.

I believe that every American has the same basic wants in life: a safe home, food, clean water, a good education for their children and the opportunity to pursue happiness. In short, we all wish to live the good life. The means to achieve these ends are usually what provoke disagreement. Some believe that government’s role is merely to protect the most fundamental individual rights, whereas others see a more meaningful and extensive role for government to advance social objectives.

Despite all of the poisonous rhetoric between parties, the truth is that we share more commonalities than differences. On the macro-scale, Americans believe in “inalienable rights” and the dignity inherent to each human being. This shared commitment to liberty, equality and justice will continue to foster deep bonds among Americans, despite the differences of opinion on how to achieve those goals.
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