Christianity and the Religions: A Zero-sum Game?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Location: Copley Hall Copley Formal Lounge Map

Can Christians take up the challenge that Robert Wright poses in his recent book The Evolution of God—that nations and religions must move from a "zero sum" (win-lose) to a "non-zero sum" (win-win) relationship? Wright challenges Christians to lay aside past claims to be the one religion meant to replace or fulfill all others and to embrace a pluralistic theology that recognizes the validity of many different religions. At this event Paul Knitter addressed the legacy of New Testament scholar Krister Stendahl, former dean of Harvard Divinity School and Lutheran bishop of Stockholm, whose notion of a "Path Not Taken" offers guidelines for a positive response to Wright and for a "non-zero sum game" and dialogue between Christianity and other religions.

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