Engaging the “New Critics” of Religious Freedom with Timothy Shah
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. EDT
Berkley Center Third Floor Conference Room Map
In the recent past in the United States, the idea of religious freedom was generally taken as a self-evident truth. Yet, in just a few short years, placid consensus has given way to roiling controversy about the wisdom, virtue, and even the coherence of religious freedom in principle. Religious freedom is now subject to growing dissensus and profound deconstructionist suspicion. At this lunchtime session, Timothy Shah discussed his recent essay, which discusses this timely issue and which will appear in the Journal of Law and Religion. Participants received the essay to read in advance of the session for discussion.
Lunch was served.
This event was part of the Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs Certificate program.
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