Faith, Feminism, and Being Unfinished: The Question of Women’s Ordination
Showing the Faith, Feminism, and Being Unfinished: The Question of Women’s Ordination Video
Monday, April 17, 2023
7:15 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. EDT
Copley Hall Formal Lounge and Online Map
In a sequel to the first "Faith, Feminism, and Being Unfinished" event in 2018, the Georgetown University community gathered on DC Emancipation Day to explore the writings of moral theologian Anne E. Patrick, SNJM (1941-2016). A panel of theologians and thought-leaders discussed her 1975 essay “A Conservative Case for the Ordination of Women.” The conversation was in part a response to the October 2022 release of the Vatican synod document “Enlarge the Space of Your Tent,” which reflects a global call for inclusivity, including expanded roles for women in the Catholic Church.
The panel was moderated by theologian and Women’s Center Associate Director Annie Selak, Ph.D. Sister Celeste Mokrzycki, SSJ, chaplain for the School of Health and the School of Nursing, will paint the movement of the Spirit among participants live during the event. Reception to follow.
This event was sponsored by Georgetown University’s Women’s Center, Gender+ Justice Initiative, Georgetown Women’s Alliance, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Office of Mission & Ministry, and Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs.
Public Health Measures: This event took place in-person and online at Georgetown University, which requires all in-person visitors to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or to attest to having a medical or religious exemption from being vaccinated. All visitors attending in person must complete the COVID-19 visitor registration for this event.
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