The Road Ahead

Thursday, January 17-18, 2002

In January 2002, the "First Building Bridges Seminar: The Road Ahead" was held at Lambeth Palace, the London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, to discuss a wide range of issues in Muslim-Christian dialogue in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Forty leading Muslim and Christian scholars attended this two day seminar, which provided a platform for open and honest discussion. Opening remarks were delivered by then-Archbishop George Carey, Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, and then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair. A record of this seminar was published as The Road Ahead: A Christian-Muslim Dialogue (2002) and is available in PDF form, provided by Georgetown University Press.

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Book August 30, 2002

The Road Ahead: A Christian-Muslim Dialogue

A record of the inaugural 2002 Building Bridges Seminar and drawing on the insights and expertise of Christians and Muslims from a wide variety of nations and cultures, this book offers a message of hope to all who seek to build bridges between those who follow the world's two biggest religions.
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