Freedom to Flourish: Is Religious Freedom Necessary for Peace, Prosperity, and Democracy?
Freedom to Flourish: Is Religious Freedom Necessary for Peace, Prosperity, and Democracy? Video Player
Wednesday, October 9-10, 2013
Copley Hall Copley Formal Lounge Map
A two-day capstone conference looked back over the project's first three years and looked forward, as well. It addressed the relationship between religious freedom and human flourishing. Top experts engaged in a series of rich and dynamic discussions around the proposition that religious freedom is not only a universal right but also a universal good—a key ingredient in the flourishing of individuals and societies everywhere.
October 9
Welcome and Introductions | Thomas Farr
Keynote Address: Why Everybody Everywhere Has a Right to Religious Freedom | Nicholas Wolterstorff
Response | Stephen Macedo
Conversation on Religious Freedom and Societal Flourishing | Stephen Macedo, Timothy Shah, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Panel One: Does Every Person Everywhere—Religious or Not—Need Religious Freedom? | Fr. Stephen Fields, S.J., Kristine Kalanges, Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, Christopher Tollefsen
Panel Two: Do Democracies Everywhere Need Religious Freedom to be Liberal—and to Last? | John DiIulio, Marci Hamilton, Mark Lilla, Daniel Philpott, Mark Rienzi
October 10
Welcome and Introductions
Panel One: Does Religious Freedom Undermine Terrorism and Conflict and Foster Secure Societies? | Thomas Farr, Brian Grim, Will Inboden, John Owen, Tamara Wittes
Keynote Conversation: Whither the First Freedom? Debating the Current State and Possible Future of Religious Liberty in America | E.J. Dionne, Ross Douthat, Jane Little, Ken Starr
Panel Two: Does Religious Freedom Promote Economic Freedom and Prosperity Everywhere? | Ilan Alon, William Inboden, Timur Kuran, Ian Linden, Rebecca Shah
Panel Three: What is the Evidence that Religious Freedom is Necessary for the Political Success of Free Societies? | Tony Gill, Daniel Philpott, Nukhet Sandal, Ani Sarkissian, Timothy Shah
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Timothy Shah, Stephen Macedo, and Nicholas Wolterstorff
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Report October 9, 2013