Hunger for Change: Interfaith Hunger Banquet

March 23, 2011
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. EDT
Location: McCarthy Hall McShain Lounge Map

The Hunger Banquet was the kickoff event of the interfaith initiative on campus "Hunger for Change." Hunger for Change was launched by a Georgetown interfaith group working closely with the Interfaith Youth Core as part of a nation-wide campaign encouraging college students to respect one another’s faith and non-faith traditions and to draw on the mutual inspiration of these traditions to take action on social issues. This event brought together people of various backgrounds to raise awareness of the world food crisis through role-playing games illustrating disparities in access to food. Fr. Kevin O'Brien was also a featured speaker.

In the week leading up to the Hunger Banquet (March 21-25), a "post secret" message board was set up in ICC Galleria. This was a bulletin board on which members of the Georgetown community posted comments, pictures, poems, etc. related to their personal beliefs or experiences. The purpose was to engage students and the community to contribute in a creative and personal way on the issues of hunger and interfaith dialogue.

The event was co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Campus Ministry, Center for Multicultural Equity and Access, Equity and Affirmative Action, LGBTQ Resource Center, Office of Institutional Diversity, Oxfam, and the Women's Center.

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