International Day for Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Prevention, Protection, Healing, and Justice

Child walking in front of parent in matching sneakers.

Thursday, November 18, 2021
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST

In 2019, a group of survivors and individuals whose lives have been impacted by child sexual abuse launched the Global Collaborative to establish an International Day for Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Prevention, Healing, and Justice. The members of the Global Collaborative believe a World Day will provide a forum to bring survivors, civil society, and governments together to focus and better align vital resources, heighten awareness of the problem of child sexual abuse and exploitation, and support victims and their families in their quest for healing and justice. In 2015, the Council of Europe established the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse on November 18, in conjunction with Universal Children’s Day on November 20. This year, the Global Collaborative, supported by 50 international institutions, networks, and governments, is working with the Council of Europe to recommend November 18 to the United Nations member states as the World Day for Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention, Healing and Justice.

This year on November 18, the Global Collaborative, child advocacy organizations, survivor networks, faith-based institutions, and governments around the globe joined together in a virtual walk to end child sexual abuse. Participants joined the “Georgetown University Global Culture of Safeguarding Program” team and pledged steps to represent the steps that every person can take to protect children online, at home, and in their communities. These simple actions helped send a message to the international community in support of the establishment of November 18 as “International Day for Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Prevention and Healing.”

This event was hosted by the Global Collaborative with support from the Georgetown University Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and other partners. For a full list of co-sponsors and additional information please visit the event website.

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