The COVID-19 Crisis and Challenges to the Common Good
Showing the The COVID-19 Crisis and Challenges to the Common Good Video
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. EDT
Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have illuminated a collective and global moral sense of responsibility for each person, even while strong currents of individualism resist the implementation of "social distancing." Large scale health care disparities based on demographics and income inequality have exposed severe shortcomings in social and political infrastructures. Even if "we are all in this together," some enjoy great advantages. How does moral thinking about the common good critically challenge these disparities? What resources do religious communities and theological ethics provide for addressing these challenges? How are these conceptions of the common good different across various national and cultural contexts?
Leading ethicists from within the Christian theological tradition convened to discuss how religious conceptions of the common good challenge individualism and the centrality of economic standards of value during the COVID-19 pandemic. They considered how solidarity is created and sustained, what cultivates and sustains solidarity, and how religious communities and theological ethics can help shape national and trans-national understandings of a global common good in a time of crisis.
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