The Religious Lives of Migrant Minorities: Great Britain, Malaysia, and South Africa

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Location: Intercultural Center (ICC) ICC Auditorium Map

Immigrant minority groups frequently face discrimination from their host societies on the basis of differences of national origin, race, culture, and religion. But religion can also provide identities, connections, resources, and practices that can facilitate immigrants' adaptations and integration into new contexts. To improve understandings of religion in the day-to-day lives of international migrants, the SSRC Project on the Religious Lives of Migrant Minorities investigated the roles of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism for immigrants settled in Malaysia, South Africa, and Great Britain. The conference offered preliminary comparative findings from the research. It was made possible through the support of the Luce/SFS Program on Religion and International Affairs.

This event was cosponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, the Institute for the Study of International Migration, and the Social Science Research Council.


Session I: Cross-Site Comparative Reflections | Tom Banchoff, José Casanova, Josh DeWind, Kim Knott, Susan Martin, Manuel Vasquez

Session II: Thematic Site Presentations | José Casanova, Ann David, David Garbin, Susan Martin, Samadia Sadouni, Diana Wong

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