Workshop on Global Development and Institutions Inspired by Faith in Bangladesh

Sunday, January 26-27, 2014

This workshop brought together a group of academic researchers and development practitioners who have interests in the intersections of international development, culture, and religion in Bangladesh. The consultation was part of a broader research program underway that involves a three-year investigation of religion and development in four countries, including Bangladesh. This work builds on a program “mapping” religious dimensions of development and on country-level research in Cambodia.

Currently, the role that religious actors play in development processes, at the community or national level, has been underappreciated by many Bangladeshi and international development partners. Better information could provide background for the development community and faith-linked partners to strengthen support for development programs. The immediate products of the broader research program would be a series of analytic reports that would serve the broadly defined development community (including actors with a religious link) and policy briefs targeting issues of operational relevance.

This event was co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and the World Faiths Development Dialogue with support from the Henry R. Luce Foundation.

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