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The Jesuits and Globalization

Leaders: José Casanova Thomas Banchoff

Over three years the Berkley Center’s Tom Banchoff and Jose Casanova led an interdisciplinary project on the Jesuits and globalization. The project convened an international group of scholars to explore the historical contributions of the Jesuits to globalization—in the areas of dialogue, education, and justice—and the relevance of that experience for our contemporary global era. Symposia around each thematic area were held in Washington, D.C., Oxford, and Florence, and a concluding conference took place in partnership with Gregorian University in Rome in December 2014, on the occasion of the bicentennial of the re-establishment of the Society of Jesus. The project culminated in an edited volume published by Georgetown University Press in May 2016.

related | The Jesuits and Globalization Project brochure

Antique Globe on Stand

Project Leaders

José Casanova headshot

José Casanova

Senior Fellow
Professor Emeritus

Thomas Banchoff headshot

Thomas Banchoff

Department of Government and Walsh School of Foreign Service, Vice President for Global Engagement

The Jesuits and Globalization Subprojects

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