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Faculty News

Showing 1269-1272 out of 1325 News

March 24, 2010

Katherine Marshall Blogs: Heroines against gendercide

Two statues of women dominate the central square of Hopkins, a small town in Belize. One celebrates Martina Vicente, a true matriarch figure (a sign says 85% of the town's population claim her as their ancestress). The other is of Marcella Lewis, poet, musician, writer and patroness of the town but also of the Garifuna community, a proud and distinctive ethnic group now concentrated in Central America...

March 9, 2010

Interview with Elliott Abrams of the Council on Foreign Relations

The Center's Tom Farr interviews Elliott Abrams, a Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. Abrams previously served in the George W. Bush administration from June 2001 - January 2009, ultimately holding the office of deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security advisor.

March 8, 2010

Katherine Marshall Blogs: Women's day

A hundred years ago a feisty group of women met in Copenhagen and voted unanimously to launch an International Women's Day on March 8. The idea took. Today, some 15 countries celebrate it as a national holiday, and thousands of events worldwide put women's issues in the spotlight...

March 8, 2010

José Casanova on Islam and Immigration at CUNY Forum

In a panel discussion, José Casanova discussed issues at the intersection of Islam and immigration. The event was held as part of the Great Issues Forum at the Graduate Center, City University of New York.

Other News

Showing 1-4 out of 1120 News

Cardinal Robert McElroy speaking in front of a podium in Copley Formal Lounge

January 6, 2025

Georgetown Welcomes Cardinal Robert McElroy as New Archbishop of Washington

Over the past decade, McElroy has visited Georgetown and engaged with events hosted by the Berkley Center and the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life. He also contributed a chapter to the Georgetown University Press book A World Free from Nuclear Weapons: The Vatican Conference on Disarmament, co-edited by the late Rev. Drew Christiansen, S.J., then a Berkley Center senior fellow.

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