Colin O'Brien
Colin O’Brien graduated from Georgetown College in 2013 with a major in government. He participated in the Berkley Center's Junior Year Abroad Network while studying in Buenos Aires during the fall semester of 2011.
By: Colin O'Brien
November 23, 2011
Much of this is aided by the fact that Argentina has an incredibly expressive culture, for better or for worse. This spectrum of expression ranges from little things like greeting almost anyone, even strangers or professors, with a hug and kiss every time you see them, to the times when not-so-flowery emotions are also evident; remarks and insults that one would normally keep private or say in a hushed tone are frequently proclaimed in a unrestrained voice. I’ve witness that this can sometimes result in a fight on the subway; but within minutes, cooler heads prevail and the instigators could be easily confused for best friends.
It’s this zeal for life that makes everyday interesting here. It seems as if nothing is ever done half-heartedly. A recreational soccer game with friends can often get heated and turn ugly, yet even after competing as if the World Cup was on the line, the same group of players sits down for hours to discuss anything and everything.
This same passion is incredibly evident in professional soccer games. Every game in Argentina seems like a Red Sox-Yankees rivalry. In a way, once you choose your favorite club, you have chosen to despise every other team in the country. Even a preseason or B division game has the tension and electricity of the Super Bowl.
Soccer is a lifestyle choice. If you are a fan of the Boca Juniors, you do not cross paths with a fan from River Plate. You do not shop in their stores nor go to their neighborhoods, and it seems as if it is obligatory to harass anyone you see wearing their shirt. But all of this is done with passion, as people defend their club with the same ferocity with which they would defend a brother or a child.
One thing that struck me about Argentina is the fact that there is no hesitation when is comes to discussing politics or religion. It is especially common for foreigners to be asked personal questions about faith and politics. The first few times that this happened to me, I had to stumble through my basic Spanish vocabulary in order to come up with a non-controversial answer. But it quickly became obvious that I was not going to be let off the hook that easily!
Politics is very much a part of the daily life in Buenos Aires, where elections are truly spectacles. I live with a very conservative host family that opposes the current government, led by the incredibly popular Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. My host family and I tend to hold very different opinions on politics, but they always ask for my viewpoint, and I can tell they are not doing so to be impolite. Argentines genuinely care about your opinions on these often-intimate questions. As someone who has a mild interest in international relations, this has been a welcomed change. Porteños respect differing opinions, and the only problem is when someone has no opinion at all.
Buenos Aires is a city filled with energy. In many ways, my culture shock will be returning to my relatively quiet suburban hometown of Marlton, New Jersey and not experiencing the long, crazy conversation that have become the norm here. Many restaurants here will not open before 9:00 p.m. for dinner. Friends begin to make plans to meet up on weekends well after midnight. If you are home before sunrise, you have had a relaxing night for a Porteño’s standard.
What I will miss most about this city and semester is the excitement Argentines have for almost everything. Students take classes based on interest, not the easy A. In fact, grades are a very inconsequential part of the academic experience here, which is a refreshing change. As one of my professors said many times last semester, almost every Georgetown student has the problem of being invested in so many projects that we are rarely heavily invested in any of them. We are spread thin and cannot fully commit ourselves. Living here has taught me how to become more passionate about the small, yet important, things in life. This passion is nothing short of extraordinary, and it has not ceased to amaze and invigorate me since I moved to Argentina in July.