Paul Gutacker
September 27, 2017
September 27, 2017
This summer, the Religious Freedom Research Project funded five doctoral students exploring the sources, development, and consequences of religious freedom. Through original research, they made new observations about the relationship between religious liberty and other fundamental freedoms; its importance for democracy; and/or its role in social and economic development, international diplomacy, and countering violent religious extremism. The Berkley Forum features their reports.
Paul Gutacker
September 27, 2017
Response: Leaving Christendom Behind: The Historiographic Roots of American Religious Freedom
Paul Gutacker
July 21, 2017
Response: The Rise—and Fall?—of Hindu Nationalism in Nepal
Luke Wagner
July 20, 2017
Response: Sehitlik's Retreat from Cosmopolitanism
Elisabeth Becker
July 19, 2017
Response: The Moderates’ Dilemma: Obstacles to Countering Violent Extremism
Kerry Persen
July 18, 2017
Response: Prophetic Models, Islamic Jurisprudence, and the Question of Blasphemy
Matthew Anderson
July 17, 2017