Featured - Shelter: Creative Interfaith Perspectives
Leader: Katherine Marshall
In 2012 the Berkley Center and World Faiths Development Dialogue collaborated with Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) on a year-long project to assess their interfaith toolkit pilot project. The toolkit, prepared in conjunction with an earlier Berkley Center collaboration, aims to engage local community interfaith groups in HFHI efforts to provide adequate shelter for all. The pilot project aimed to test the toolkit's effectiveness as a component of the HFHI community outreach strategy.
The assessment examined the use of the toolkit by six US HFHI affiliates through qualitative, interview-based research that examined three key activities over a one-year period: recruitment of an interfaith unit, putting faith into action, and creating sustainable interfaith advocacy. WFDD and the Berkley Center worked closely with affiliates to develop an in-depth case study report evaluating the toolkit's effectiveness and prospects for sustainability and expansion. Key findings were used to update the toolkit. Overall, the pilot project showed that the use of interfaith engagement in the context of HFHI's well-established approach to shelter provision has the potential to expand the reach and impact of its work.
Senior Fellow
Walsh School of Foreign Service, Executive Director of the World Faiths Development Dialogue