Doyle Seminar Fall 2012 Report: International History

March 20, 2013

Taught by Bryan McCann and one of four fall 2012 Doyle Seminar courses, the "International History" course helped student develop a strong understanding of the large themes and movements that have shaped the modern world, the honing of scholarly analysis, and the understanding of global historical change as a set of processes that have not simply expanded from center to periphery but that have often doubled back upon themselves, bringing the periphery to the center in ways that deeply alter both. This report features excerpts from rigorous, in-depth student research conducted as part of the seminar that cover topics ranging from the impact of socially subordinate individuals on the history of French West Africa, the role of French law in Arab judicial development, and political theology in revolutionary Iran and Nicaragua. Also addressed are British and American colonial efforts in East Asia and the impact of World War I on national identity in India and Senegal.

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