The Challenges of Jesuit Global Education: Responses to Poverty and Displacement
Author: David Hollenbach
October 20, 2020
In this article, Senior Fellow Rev. David Hollenbach, S.J., reflects on the role of Jesuit higher education in responding to global challenges such as poverty and displacement. The global Jesuit network of education has the potential to shape U.S. Jesuit institutions in significant ways, according to Hollenbach. He outlines normative and structural challenges faced by Jesuit institutions as they grapple with poverty and the refugee crisis, noting the extensive global resources of Jesuit universities. Hollenbach then offers suggestions for the future of Jesuit institutions of learning, highlighting the need for further multicultural education in the liberal arts, as well as the priority of looking to the lived experiences of vulnerable people globally. This article was published in International Studies in Catholic Education 12, no. 2 (2020): 144–155.