Corruption is about any abuse of public resources to satisfy one’s self. It is the action to enrich or give unfair advantages to someone. The corruption I am talking about includes any abuse of power (public or not), which could give some advantages to an individual when he does not deserve them. In fact, corruption is, to me, the biggest form of injustice we are facing nowadays. It is due to many factors, with the most important being increasing poverty and the lack of honesty. According to some people, they accept to be corrupted because they do not have any resources to live. Some others say they corrupt because they have also been victim of corruption. To me, nothing could justify corruption, because it is a way to deny human dignity. By measuring the level of corruption, we can be aware if governance is good or bad in a particular area or business. We should always struggle against corruption to achieve a society in which all the people live at least at an average level of well-being.
To end this system of extreme injustice, I think: Firstly, youth should be sensitized on the drawbacks of corruption; drastic measures should be taken to reduce corruption; and corrupted and corrupters should be legally punished. Finally, I think common sense should lead us to say that there is an important link between corruption and governance.
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