Judaism and Gender
From contemporary controversies over women’s prayer at the Western Wall to the dramatic growth of new rituals and practices inspired by Jewish feminism, gender plays a critical role in shaping Jewish religiosity and political life today. This course examined how gender has shaped Jewish culture and religious practice throughout history. It traced the construction of gender in the rabbinic period, examining formative traditions of law, practice, and theology that shaped Jewish ideas of womanhood, masculinity, and androgyny. Students also explored modern transformations of Jewish life: new feminist rituals and religious practices, diverse expressions of gender in contemporary Jewish theology, the rise of queer Jewish culture, and the way transgender Jews are shaping new conceptions of Jewish gender. This course (THEO 066) was taught by Julia Watts Belser as a Doyle Seminar in fall 2020. Please refer to the current course catalog for an up-to-date description of the course.

Senior Research Fellow
Department of Theology and Religious Studies