Colum McCann and the Art of Radical Empathy
Colum McCann and the Art of Radical Empathy Video Player
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Healy Hall Riggs Library Map
As part of Georgetown's Faith and Culture conversation series, novelist Colum McCann discussed his body of work, as well as his most recent book, TransAtlantic (2013). In particular, McCann explored the ways literature can promote empathy and understanding by allowing the writer and the reader to form deep connections with a novel's characters and so to see the world from their perspectives, and to grasp the profound interdependence of human society as well. Paul Elie, Berkley Center senior fellow and author of The Life You Save May Be Your Own (2003) and Reinventing Bach (2012), led the conversation.
This event was sponsored by the Georgetown University Office of the President.
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Paul Elie Listens to Colum McCann