Faith and Women’s Role in Community and Family Health in Africa
Faith and Women’s Role in Community and Family Health in Africa Video Player
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. EST
Berkley Center third floor conference room Map
Karen Sichinga of the Churches Health Association of Zambia and Professor Myriam Vuckovic of Georgetown University’s Department of International Health discussed their work in the field of public health, with particular focus on the roles of women and faith institutions. Katherine Marshall moderated the discussion. Sichinga spoke about her 20 years of experience in the health field, explaining the unique relationship of mission hospitals to Zambia’s Ministry of Health. Vuckovic drew from her recent work in Tanzania, speaking about the country’s health indicators in the areas of fertility, maternal mortality, HIV and AIDS, and tuberculosis. Both women spoke about the role of faith-based health providers in helping advance Millennium Development Goals, as well as the lack of resources and capacity for adequate healthcare in rural areas. They also spoke about community care programs and the importance—and sometimes burden—of women and girls to be caregivers in the home and community.
This event was co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and the World Faiths Development Dialogue.
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