Ian Linden on Global Health and Africa
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. EDT
Berkley Center Third Floor Conference Room Map
The Berkley Center, WFDD, and Tony Blair Faith Foundation (TBFF) convened an afternoon discussion with Ian Linden, director of policy at TBFF. Linden presented and discussed TBFF’s current work, particularly their Faiths Act fellows program, a multi-faith global movement that engages 34 fellows to inspire and mobilize people of faith to take action towards the Millennium Development Goals, with a focus on eliminating malaria-related deaths. An initiative that paralleled in many ways the Berkley Center’s Millennial Values Fellows initiative, Linden’s discussion of the Faiths Act program shed light on mutual areas of interest.
related | Interview with Ian Linden
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Report April 12, 2012