Is Christianity Shrinking or Shifting?
Findings from the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition
Showing the Is Christianity Shrinking or Shifting? Video
Friday, February 21, 2020
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. EST
Berkley Center Third Floor Conference Room Map
In the contemporary press, major religion-related news often revolves around a narrative about the decline of Christianity in North America. Western Europe is now considered post-Christian, and surveys consistently report declines in religious belief, attendance, and self-identification. Yet, over the last century, there has been a pronounced shift of Christianity from the Global North to the Global South that appears to be continuing in the twenty-first century. Africa became the continent with the most Christians in 2018, surpassing Latin America (which surpassed Europe in 2014). This marks a milestone for African Christianity and raises several important issues related to Christianity’s shift to the Global South. This forum provided a nuanced analysis to an important question about the world’s largest religion: Is it shrinking, or is it shifting?
Using findings from their newly published World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition, religion statistics scholars Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo presented a truly global portrait of Christianity. Conrad Hackett, Becky Hsu, and Mark Gray responded in a discussion moderated by Berkley Center Senior Fellow José Casanova.
Lunch was served.
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Berkley Center Senior Fellow José Casanova offers opening remarks.

Todd Johnson discusses the findings of the newly published World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition.

Conrad Hackett describes historical patterns of religious demography.

Mark Gray responds to Todd Johnson and Gina Zurlo's presentation of the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition.

Becky Hsu responds and highlights the role of mobilizing local networks through data.

Gina Zurlo responds to a question during the audience Q&A.