Reverend Gideon Byamugisha: HIV and AIDS, Youth, and the Church
Reverend Gideon Byamugisha: HIV and AIDS, Youth, and the Church Video Player
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. EDT
Berkley Center Third Floor Conference Room Map
As global AIDS experts gathered for the XIX International AIDS Conference, Reverend Gideon Byamugisha, founder of ANERELA+, discussed his experience as a Ugandan priest living with HIV openly since 1992. Having played a lead role in the Church of Uganda’s AIDS Program, Reverend Byamugisha currently serves as the Christian AID goodwill ambassador on HIV and AIDS. Byamugisha is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Niwano Peace Prize, for his ministry with children affected by AIDS. He spoke to the theological and practical resources available to restore agency and power to HIV-affected youth, enabling them to lead safer, healthier, prosperous, and fulfilling lives. Byamugisha made the case that the health and development risks facing orphans and other youths made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS are priorities issues in today’s African churches.
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Reverend Gideon Byamugisha: HIV and AIDS, Youth, and the Church
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Report July 25, 2012
Reverend Gideon Byamugisha: "HIV and AIDS, Youth, and the Church" Meeting Report
This report recaps a July 2012 event featuring Reverend Canon Dr. Gideon B. Byamugisha, who spoke of his work with ANERELA+/INERELA (religious leaders living with and affected by AIDS) and his personal experience as the first religious leader in Africa to declare that he was HIV positive.
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